The Kingdom

The kingdom Is all kinds of animals

Some might mammals

others are reptiles

Some have feet

some have claws and flippers

Most have lungs

but some have gills

Nobody is the exact same

No matter what happens we are all animals


There once was a man named ben he used to own a dog who used to serve in the military.HE had lost a leg while serving with his owner.They put him up for adoption because his work was done. That’s when ben adopted him. He had him for 2 years now. They go for a usual daily walk. When one day when they were walking around the lake they found a very aggressive dog and ran as fast as they could. Until they got home, Once they got home he gave him a big hug and got him some water and some treats for being able to run with his new prosthetic leg he got the other day.that’s the story about ben and his dog.

All About Cheetahs

You might know cheetahs as the fastest animals alive.Though they are the fastest land animal,which they are they reach up to a speed of 50 – 80 mph, but they have a short stamina they can run for about 15 seconds.The fastest animal is a peregrine falcon it can reach up to speeds of 240 mph while diving straight down.Another thing that you prob dont know is why they have those spots and black dots around their eye. It is used to block the sun from reflecting off of their yellow fur.The cheetahs speed helps it catch any animal that they want, but one of the animals a gazelle is know for escaping the cheetahs because they are fast and cut angles close when running from the cheetah.The cheetahs also hunt by themselves, they don’t hunt in packs because if they did they would all steal food from each other and might run into each other.


Though animals might not be free in zoos

that might not be true

Some dont have a option to be free

Because some are not able to survive on their own

Lots of animals might have been born with disabilities

or deformities

and if they are still alive when found

they could be taken for nurishing

Or they could be helped through their whole life

but if the animal cant live on their while being healthy

they end up in the zoos

Tiger vs lion

Lions are known as the king of the jungle, but tigers are a close competitor.Tigers look alot more cool than lions.Tigers are usually born with orange and black stripes. Lions usually have a brownish yellowish looking skin with a big mane.Some times both lions and tigers are born without pigmentation and are fully albino. If a lion and a tiger fought the lion would most likely win because it has stronger attributes than the tiger.The lion also is like 1.25x bigger than the tiger so with that size difference the tiger has a even less chance of winning.Though fighting only depends on which environment. If they fight in a jungle the tiger will most likely win because it is more sneaky and know the area, But if they fight in a saraha the lion will most likely win because it blends in better.That is why i think the lion will win.